
The most important things in life are determined by luck, the most important being who your parents are. I got lucky.

For my parents
Sheldon and Edith Weitzen


Thank you to all the people who make recreational dancing possible, organizers, teachers, dancers, musicians, and other supporters. If you have ever thought you wanted to contribute to the well-being of others, you have succeeded.

Thank you to those willing to explore my unconventional ideas. To honor my dance teachers, partners, friends, and those attending my sessions for contributing to my development, and therefore to this book, I have included quotes from them or shared stories about them to name them in some way.

I must specifically mention two people, Erin King and Jeff Subeck, without whom my method would surely lack in quality. Their acceptance of my method demanded that I meet the standards of their tenacious, logical minds. Thank you to Erin for letting me work out my ideas on her, still the best follower I know; and to Erin for editing my original work. Thank you to Jeff for being the first person to put my method into practice from the written word.

Happy dancing,
Andrew Weitzen